Reusable masks were collected from vending machines located in community centres, residents’ committees and bus interchanges as part of StayMasked, Temasek Foundation's nationwide mask distribution initiative in Singapore.
Geraldine Goh, a Director at Temasek’s Enterprise Development Group, worked with medical, diagnostic and on-site partners, to conduct swab tests for essential workers.
Temasek staff members such as Ken Cheh, Cham Ser Yin, Ben Gan, Lyn Lian (left to right) worked with medical groups to train and deploy volunteers from sectors such as construction, maritime and security to conduct COVID-19 swab tests on fellow employees in their companies
Over 20,000 volunteers helped to prepare hand sanitisers as part of #BYOBclean, Temasek Foundation's nationwide programme to offer free hand sanitisers to all households in Singapore.